Epiretinal membrane, also known as macular pucker and cellophane retinopathy, is the growth of a membrane across the macula, or central retina of the eye. The epiretinal membrane typically contracts, causing distortion of the central retina, thus producing distortion of vision. Symptoms of epiretinal membrane  are straight objects appearing wavy and crooked and/or central vision is reduced.

Indications for Membrane Peeling

  • Presence of epiretinal membrane
  • Distortion of and/or substantial reduction in vision due to epiretinal membrane

About the Membrane Peeling Procedure

Scar tissue or epiretinal membranes may form on the surface of the retina in many situations, including macular pucker, macular hole, and complicated retinal detachment. After completion of vitrectomy, the epiretinal membranes are delicately peeled from the surface of the retina and removed from the eye using micro-forceps. If the membrane is particularly dense, micro-scissors may be used to release it from the retina.

After the Membrane Peeling Procedure

After the membrane peeling procedure, vision should gradually improve. The best visual results may not be obtained for 3 to 6 months. Due to potential permanent retinal damage as a result of the epireinal membrane, some patients' vision may not improve following surgery. Potential complications of epiretinal membrane peeling include infection, bleeding, retinal detachment, and progression of cataract. Recurrence of the epiretinal membrane may occur in about 10% of patients following the initial surgery.